UM2N.test package¶
UM2N.test.bench_burgers module¶
- class BurgersEvaluator(mesh, mesh_fine, mesh_new, dataset, model, eval_dir, ds_root, idx, **kwargs)[source]¶
Solves the Burgers equation Input: - mesh: The mesh on which to solve the equation. - dist_params: The parameters of the Gaussian distribution.
Initialise the solver. kwargs: - nu: The viscosity of the fluid. - dt: The time interval.
UM2N.test.bench_helmholtz module¶
UM2N.test.bench_swirl module¶
- class SwirlEvaluator(mesh, mesh_coarse, mesh_fine, mesh_new, mesh_model, dataset, model, eval_dir, ds_root, **kwargs)[source]¶
- Evaluate error for advection swirl problem:
Solver implementation for the swirl problem
Error & Time evaluation
- Init the problem:
define problem on fine mesh and coarse mesh
init function space on fine & coarse mesh
- solve_u(t)[source]¶
Solve the PDE problem using RK (SSPRK) scheme on the coarse mesh store the solution field to a varaible: self.u_cur
UM2N.test.burgers_bench module¶
UM2N.test.compare_hlmhltz module¶
UM2N.test.stat module¶
UM2N.test.tangle module¶
- check_dataset_tangle(dataset, model, n_elem_x, n_elem_y)[source]¶
Return the percentage of tangling grid of a mesh in a dataset.