Driver functions for metric-based mesh adaptation.
from collections.abc import Iterable
import firedrake
import numpy as np
import ufl
from animate.metric import RiemannianMetric
from firedrake.petsc import PETSc
from .log import debug
__all__ = ["enforce_variable_constraints", "space_time_normalise", "ramp_complexity"]
def enforce_variable_constraints(
Post-process a list of metrics to enforce minimum and maximum element sizes, as well
as maximum anisotropy.
:arg metrics: the metrics
:type metrics: :class:`list` of :class:`~.RiemannianMetric`\s
:kwarg h_min: minimum tolerated element size
:type h_min: :class:`firedrake.function.Function`, :class:`float`, or :class:`int`
:kwarg h_max: maximum tolerated element size
:type h_max: :class:`firedrake.function.Function`, :class:`float`, or :class:`int`
:kwarg a_max: maximum tolerated element anisotropy
:type a_max: :class:`firedrake.function.Function`, :class:`float`, or :class:`int`
:kwarg boundary_tag: optional tag to enforce sizes on.
:type boundary_tag: :class:`str` or :class:`int`
if isinstance(metrics, RiemannianMetric):
metrics = [metrics]
assert isinstance(metrics, Iterable)
if not isinstance(h_min, Iterable):
h_min = [h_min] * len(metrics)
if not isinstance(h_max, Iterable):
h_max = [h_max] * len(metrics)
if not isinstance(a_max, Iterable):
a_max = [a_max] * len(metrics)
for metric, hmin, hmax, amax in zip(metrics, h_min, h_max, a_max):
"dm_plex_metric_h_min": hmin,
"dm_plex_metric_h_max": hmax,
"dm_plex_metric_a_max": amax,
"dm_plex_metric_boundary_tag": boundary_tag,
return metrics
def space_time_normalise(
Apply :math:`L^p` normalisation in both space and time.
Based on Equation (1) in :cite:`Barral:2016`.
:arg metrics: the metrics associated with each subinterval
:type metrics: :class:`list` of :class:`~.RiemannianMetric`\s
:arg time_partition: temporal discretisation for the problem at hand
:type time_partition: :class:`TimePartition`
:arg metric_parameters: dictionary containing the target *space-time* metric
complexity under `dm_plex_metric_target_complexity` and the normalisation order
under `dm_plex_metric_p`, or a list thereof
:type metric_parameters: :class:`list` of :class:`dict`\s or a single :class:`dict`
to use for all subintervals
:kwarg global_factor: pre-computed global normalisation factor
:type global_factor: :class:`float`
:kwarg boundary: if ``True``, the normalisation to be performed over the boundary
:type boundary: :class:`bool`
:kwarg restrict_sizes: if ``True``, minimum and maximum metric magnitudes are
:type restrict_sizes: :class:`bool`
:kwarg restrict_anisotropy: if ``True``, maximum anisotropy is enforced
:type restrict_anisotropy: :class:`bool`
:returns: the space-time normalised metrics
:rtype: :class:`list` of :class:`~.RiemannianMetric`\s
if isinstance(metric_parameters, dict):
metric_parameters = [metric_parameters for _ in range(len(time_partition))]
d = metrics[0].function_space().mesh().topological_dimension()
if len(metrics) != len(time_partition):
raise ValueError(
"Number of metrics does not match number of subintervals:"
f" {len(metrics)} vs. {len(time_partition)}."
if len(metrics) != len(metric_parameters):
raise ValueError(
"Number of metrics does not match number of sets of metric parameters:"
f" {len(metrics)} vs. {len(metric_parameters)}."
# Preparation step
metric_parameters = metric_parameters.copy()
for metric, mp in zip(metrics, metric_parameters):
if not isinstance(mp, dict):
raise TypeError(
"Expected metric_parameters to consist of dictionaries,"
f" not objects of type '{type(mp)}'."
# Allow concise notation
if "dm_plex_metric" in mp and isinstance(mp["dm_plex_metric"], dict):
for key, value in mp["dm_plex_metric"].items():
mp[f"dm_plex_metric_{key}"] = value
p = mp.get("dm_plex_metric_p")
if p is None:
raise ValueError("Normalisation order 'dm_plex_metric_p' must be set.")
if not (np.isinf(p) or p >= 1.0):
raise ValueError(
f"Normalisation order '{p}' should be one or greater or np.inf."
target = mp.get("dm_plex_metric_target_complexity")
if target is None:
raise ValueError(
"Target complexity 'dm_plex_metric_target_complexity' must be set."
if target <= 0.0:
raise ValueError(f"Target complexity '{target}' is not positive.")
metric.enforce_spd(restrict_sizes=False, restrict_anisotropy=False)
# Compute global normalisation factor
if global_factor is None:
integral = 0
p = mp["dm_plex_metric_p"]
exponent = 0.5 if np.isinf(p) else p / (2 * p + d)
for metric, S in zip(metrics, time_partition):
dX = (ufl.ds if boundary else ufl.dx)(metric.function_space().mesh())
scaling = pow(S.num_timesteps, 2 * exponent)
integral += scaling * firedrake.assemble(
pow(ufl.det(metric), exponent) * dX
target = mp["dm_plex_metric_target_complexity"] * time_partition.num_timesteps
debug(f"space_time_normalise: target space-time complexity={target:.4e}")
global_factor = firedrake.Constant(pow(target / integral, 2 / d))
debug(f"space_time_normalise: global scale factor={float(global_factor):.4e}")
for metric, S in zip(metrics, time_partition):
# Normalise according to the global normalisation factor
# Apply the separate scale factors for each metric
if not np.isinf(p):
metric *= pow(S.num_timesteps, -2 / (2 * p + d))
return metrics
def ramp_complexity(base, target, iteration, num_iterations=3):
Ramp up the target complexity over the first few iterations.
:arg base: the base complexity to start from
:type base: :class:`float`
:arg target: the desired complexity
:type target: :class:`float`
:arg iteration: the current iteration
:type iteration: :class:`int`
:kwarg num_iterations: how many iterations to ramp over?
:type num_iterations: :class:`int`
:returns: the ramped target complexity
:rtype: :class:`float`
if base <= 0.0:
raise ValueError(f"Base complexity must be positive, not {base}.")
if target <= 0.0:
raise ValueError(f"Target complexity must be positive, not {target}.")
if iteration < 0:
raise ValueError(f"Current iteration must be non-negative, not {iteration}.")
if num_iterations < 0:
raise ValueError(
f"Number of iterations must be non-negative, not {num_iterations}."
alpha = 1 if num_iterations == 0 else min(iteration / num_iterations, 1)
return alpha * target + (1 - alpha) * base