Source code for goalie.options

from animate.adapt import RiemannianMetric

from .utility import AttrDict

__all__ = [

[docs] class AdaptParameters(AttrDict): """ A class for holding parameters associated with adaptive mesh fixed point iteration loops. """ def __init__(self, parameters=None): """ :arg parameters: parameters to set :type parameters: :class:`dict` with :class:`str` keys and values which may take various types """ parameters = parameters or {} self["miniter"] = 3 # Minimum iteration count self["maxiter"] = 35 # Maximum iteration count self["element_rtol"] = 0.001 # Relative tolerance for element count self["drop_out_converged"] = False # Drop out converged subintervals? if not isinstance(parameters, dict): raise TypeError( "Expected 'parameters' keyword argument to be a dictionary, not of" f" type '{parameters.__class__.__name__}'." ) for key in parameters: if key not in self: raise AttributeError( f"{self.__class__.__name__} does not have '{key}' attribute." ) super().__init__(parameters) self._check_type("miniter", int) self._check_type("maxiter", int) self._check_type("element_rtol", (float, int)) self._check_type("drop_out_converged", bool) def _check_type(self, key, expected): """ Check that a given parameter is of the expected type. :arg key: the parameter label :type key: :class:`str` :arg expected: the expected type :type expected: :class:`type` """ if not isinstance(self[key], expected): if isinstance(expected, tuple): name = "' or '".join([e.__name__ for e in expected]) else: name = expected.__name__ raise TypeError( f"Expected attribute '{key}' to be of type '{name}', not" f" '{type(self[key]).__name__}'." ) def _check_value(self, key, possibilities): """ Check that a given parameter takes one of the possible values. :arg key: the parameter label :type key: :class:`str` :arg possibilities: all possible values for the parameter :type possibilities: :class:`list` """ value = self[key] if value not in possibilities: raise ValueError( f"Unsupported value '{value}' for '{key}'. Choose from {possibilities}." ) def __str__(self): return str(dict(self.items())) def __repr__(self): d = ", ".join([f"{key}={value}" for key, value in self.items()]) return f"{type(self).__name__}({d})"
[docs] class MetricParameters(AdaptParameters): """ A class for holding parameters associated with metric-based adaptive mesh fixed point iteration loops. """ def __init__(self, parameters=None): """ :arg parameters: parameters to set :type parameters: :class:`dict` with :class:`str` keys and values which may take various types """ parameters = parameters or {} self["num_ramp_iterations"] = 3 # Number of iterations to ramp over self["verbosity"] = -1 # -1 = silent, 10 = maximum # --- Normalisation self["p"] = 1.0 # Metric normalisation order self["base_complexity"] = 200.0 # Base metric complexity self["target_complexity"] = 4000.0 # Target metric complexity # --- Post-processing self["h_min"] = 1.0e-30 # Minimum metric magnitude self["h_max"] = 1.0e30 # Maximum metric magnitude self["a_max"] = 1.0e5 # Maximum anisotropy self["restrict_anisotropy_first"] = False self["hausdorff_number"] = 0.01 # Controls length scales self["gradation_factor"] = 1.3 # Controls ratio between adjacent edge lengths # --- Adaptation self["no_insert"] = False # Turn off node insertion self["no_swap"] = False # Turn off edge and face swapping self["no_move"] = False # Turn off node movement self["no_surf"] = False # Turn off surface meshing self["num_parmmg_iterations"] = 3 super().__init__(parameters=parameters) self._check_type("num_ramp_iterations", int) self._check_type("verbosity", int) self._check_type("p", (float, int)) self._check_type("base_complexity", (float, int)) self._check_type("target_complexity", (float, int)) self._check_type("h_min", (float, int)) self._check_type("h_max", (float, int)) self._check_type("a_max", (float, int)) self._check_type("hausdorff_number", (float, int)) self._check_type("gradation_factor", (float, int)) self._check_type("restrict_anisotropy_first", bool) self._check_type("no_insert", bool) self._check_type("no_swap", bool) self._check_type("no_move", bool) self._check_type("no_surf", bool) self._check_type("num_parmmg_iterations", int)
[docs] def export(self, metric): """ Set parameters appropriate to a given :class:`RiemannianMetric`. :arg metric: the metric to apply parameters to :type metric: :class:`animate.metric.RiemannianMetric` """ if not isinstance(metric, RiemannianMetric): raise TypeError( f"{type(self)} can only be exported to RiemannianMetric," f" not '{type(metric)}'." ) petsc_specific = ( "verbosity", "p", "target_complexity", "no_insert", "no_swap", "no_move", "no_surf", "h_min", "h_max", "a_max", "restrict_anisotropy_first", "hausdorff_number", "gradation_factor", ) metric_parameters_sub = {"num_iterations": self["num_parmmg_iterations"]} metric_parameters_sub.update({key: self[key] for key in petsc_specific}) metric.set_parameters({"dm_plex_metric": metric_parameters_sub})
[docs] class GoalOrientedParameters(AdaptParameters): """ A class for holding parameters associated with goal-oriented adaptive mesh fixed point iteration loops. """ def __init__(self, parameters=None): """ :arg parameters: parameters to set :type parameters: :class:`dict` with :class:`str` keys and values which may take various types """ parameters = parameters or {} self["qoi_rtol"] = 0.001 # Relative tolerance for QoI self["estimator_rtol"] = 0.001 # Relative tolerance for estimator self["convergence_criteria"] = "any" # Mode for convergence checking super().__init__(parameters=parameters) self._check_type("qoi_rtol", (float, int)) self._check_type("estimator_rtol", (float, int)) self._check_type("convergence_criteria", str) self._check_value("convergence_criteria", ["all", "any"])
[docs] class GoalOrientedMetricParameters(GoalOrientedParameters, MetricParameters): """ A class for holding parameters associated with metric-based, goal-oriented adaptive mesh fixed point iteration loops. """