Source code for goalie.plot

Driver functions for plotting solution data.

from firedrake.pyplot import tricontourf, triplot  # noqa
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

__all__ = ["plot_snapshots", "plot_indicator_snapshots"]

[docs] def plot_snapshots(solutions, time_partition, field, label, **kwargs): """ Plot a sequence of snapshots associated with ``solutions.field.label`` and a given :class:`~.TimePartition`. Any keyword arguments are passed to :func:`firedrake.plot.tricontourf`. :arg solutions: :class:`~.AttrDict` of solutions computed by solving a forward or adjoint problem :arg time_partition: the :class:`~.TimePartition` object used to solve the problem :arg field: solution field of choice :arg label: choose from ``'forward'``, ``'forward_old'`` ``'adjoint'`` and ``'adjoint_next'`` """ tp = time_partition rows = tp.num_exports_per_subinterval[0] - 1 cols = tp.num_subintervals steady = rows == cols == 1 figsize = kwargs.pop("figsize", (6 * cols, 24 // cols)) fig, axes = plt.subplots(rows, cols, sharex="col", figsize=figsize) tcs = [] for i, sols_step in enumerate(solutions[field][label]): ax = axes if steady else axes[0] if cols == 1 else axes[0, i] ax.set_title(f"Mesh[{i}]") tc = [] for j, sol in enumerate(sols_step): ax = axes if steady else axes[j] if cols == 1 else axes[j, i] tc.append(tricontourf(sol, axes=ax, **kwargs)) if not steady: time = ( tp.subintervals[i][0] + (j + 1) * tp.timesteps[i] * tp.num_timesteps_per_export[i] ) ax.annotate(f"t={time:.2f}", (0.05, 0.05), color="white") tcs.append(tc) plt.tight_layout() return fig, axes, tcs
[docs] def plot_indicator_snapshots(indicators, time_partition, field, **kwargs): """ Plot a sequence of snapshots associated with ``indicators`` and a given :class:`~.TimePartition` Any keyword arguments are passed to :func:`firedrake.plot.tricontourf`. :arg indicators: list of list of indicators, indexed by mesh sequence index, then timestep :arg time_partition: the :class:`~.TimePartition` object used to solve the problem """ tp = time_partition rows = tp.num_exports_per_subinterval[0] - 1 cols = tp.num_subintervals steady = rows == cols == 1 figsize = kwargs.pop("figsize", (6 * cols, 24 // cols)) fig, axes = plt.subplots(rows, cols, sharex="col", figsize=figsize) tcs = [] for i, indi_step in enumerate(indicators[field]): ax = axes if steady else axes[0] if cols == 1 else axes[0, i] ax.set_title(f"Mesh[{i}]") tc = [] for j, indi in enumerate(indi_step): ax = axes if steady else axes[j] if cols == 1 else axes[j, i] tc.append(tricontourf(indi, axes=ax, **kwargs)) if not steady: time = ( tp.subintervals[i][0] + (j + 1) * tp.timesteps[i] * tp.num_timesteps_per_export[i] ) ax.annotate(f"t={time:.2f}", (0.05, 0.05), color="white") tcs.append(tc) plt.tight_layout() return fig, axes, tcs