from import Iterable
import firedrake
import firedrake.function as ffunc
import firedrake.functionspace as ffs
import firedrake.mesh as fmesh
import numpy as np
import sympy
import ufl
from firedrake.__future__ import interpolate
from firedrake.petsc import OptionsManager, PETSc
from pyop2 import op2
from .interpolation import clement_interpolant
from .recovery import (
__all__ = ["RiemannianMetric", "determine_metric_complexity", "intersect_on_boundary"]
class RiemannianMetric(ffunc.Function):
Class for defining a Riemannian metric over a given mesh.
A metric is a symmetric positive-definite field, which conveys how the mesh is to
be adapted. If the mesh is of dimension :math:`d` then the metric takes the value
of a square :math:`d\times d` matrix at each point.
The implementation of metric-based mesh adaptation used in PETSc assumes that the
metric is piece-wise linear and continuous, with its degrees of freedom at the
mesh vertices.
For details, see the PETSc manual entry:
_supported_parameters = (
def __init__(self, function_space, *args, **kwargs):
:arg function_space: the tensor :class:`~.FunctionSpace`, on which to build
this :class:`~.RiemannianMetric`. Alternatively, another :class:`~.Function`
may be passed here and its function space will be used to build this
:class:`~.Function`. In this case, the function values are copied. If a
:class:`~firedrake.mesh.MeshGeometry` is passed here then a tensor
:math:`\mathbb P1` space is built on top of it.
:kwarg metric_parameters: same as for :func:`set_parameters <set_parameters>`.
if isinstance(function_space, fmesh.MeshGeometry):
function_space = ffs.TensorFunctionSpace(function_space, "CG", 1)
self._metric_parameters = {}
metric_parameters = kwargs.pop("metric_parameters", {})
super().__init__(function_space, *args, **kwargs)
# Check that we have an appropriate tensor P1 function
fs = self.function_space()
mesh = fs.mesh()
tdim = mesh.topological_dimension()
if tdim not in (2, 3):
raise ValueError(f"Riemannian metric should be 2D or 3D, not {tdim}D.")
if isinstance(fs.dof_count, Iterable):
raise ValueError("Riemannian metric cannot be built in a mixed space.")
rank = len(fs.dof_dset.dim)
if rank != 2:
raise ValueError(
"Riemannian metric should be matrix-valued,"
f" not rank-{rank} tensor-valued."
# Stash mesh data
plex = mesh.topology_dm.clone()
self._mesh = mesh
self._plex = plex
self._tdim = tdim
# Ensure DMPlex coordinates are consistent
# Adjust the section
entity_dofs = np.zeros(tdim + 1, dtype=np.int32)
entity_dofs[0] = tdim**2
# Process spatially variable metric parameters
self._variable_parameters = {
"dm_plex_metric_h_min": firedrake.Constant(1.0e-30),
"dm_plex_metric_h_max": firedrake.Constant(1.0e30),
"dm_plex_metric_a_max": firedrake.Constant(1.0e5),
"dm_plex_metric_boundary_tag": None,
self._variable_parameters_set = False
if metric_parameters:
def _check_space(self):
el = self.function_space().ufl_element()
if (, != ("Lagrange", 1):
raise ValueError(f"Riemannian metric should be in P1 space, not '{el}'.")
def _collapse_parameters(metric_parameters):
Account for concise nested dictionary formatting
if "dm_plex_metric" in metric_parameters:
for key, value in metric_parameters["dm_plex_metric"].items():
metric_parameters["_".join(["dm_plex_metric", key])] = value
return metric_parameters
def _process_parameters(self, metric_parameters):
mp = self._collapse_parameters(metric_parameters.copy())
# Check all parameters
for key in mp:
if not key.startswith("dm_plex_metric_"):
raise ValueError(
f"Unsupported metric parameter '{key}'."
" Metric parameters must start with the prefix 'dm_plex_metric_'."
if key not in self._supported_parameters:
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported metric parameter '{key}'.")
# Spatially varying parameters need to be treated differently
vp = {}
for key in ("h_min", "h_max", "a_max"):
key = f"dm_plex_metric_{key}"
value = mp.get(key)
if not value:
if isinstance(value, (firedrake.Constant, ffunc.Function)):
vp[key] = value
self._variable_parameters_set = True
vp[key] = firedrake.Constant(value)
# The boundary_tag parameter does not currently exist in PETSc
if "dm_plex_metric_boundary_tag" in mp:
self._variable_parameters_set = True
vp["dm_plex_metric_boundary_tag"] = mp.pop("dm_plex_metric_boundary_tag")
return mp, vp
def set_parameters(self, metric_parameters=None):
Set metric parameter values internally. All options have the prefix
`dm_plex_metric_` and are listed below (with prefix dropped for brevity). Note
that any parameter which supports :class:`~.Function` values must be in a
:math:`\mathbb{P}1` space defined on the same mesh as the metric, i.e., from
``FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)``.
* `target_complexity`: Strictly positive target metric complexity value. No
default - **must be set**.
* `h_min`: Minimum tolerated metric magnitude, which allows approximate control
of minimum element size in the adapted mesh. Supports :class:`~.Constant`
and :class:`~.Function` input, as well as :class:`float`. Default: 1.0e-30.
* `h_max`: Maximum tolerated metric magnitude, which allows approximate control
of maximum element size in the adapted mesh. Supports :class:`~.Constant`
and :class:`~.Function` input, as well as :class:`float`. Default: 1.0e+30.
* `a_max`: Maximum tolerated metric anisotropy, which allows approximate control
of maximum element anisotropy in the adapted mesh. Supports
:class:`~.Constant` and :class:`~.Function` input, as well as
:class:`float`. Default: 1.0e+05.
* `p`: :math:`L^p` normalisation order. Supports ``np.inf`` as well as
:class:`float` values from :math:`[0,\infty)`. Default: 1.0.
* `gradation_factor`: Maximum ratio by which adjacent edges in the adapted mesh
may differ. Default: 1.3. For more detail, see
* `hausdorff_number`: Spatial scale factor for the problem. The default value
0.01 corresponds to an :math:`\mathcal{O}(1)` length scale. A rule of thumb
is to scale this value appropriately to the length scale of your problem.
For more detail, see
* `boundary_tag`: Mesh boundary tag to restrict attention to during
boundary-specific metric manipulations. Unset by default, which implies all
boundaries are considered. (Note that this parameter does not currently
exist in the underlying PETSc implementation.)
* `no_insert`: Boolean flag for turning off node insertion and deletion during
adaptation. Default: False.
* `no_swap`: Boolean flag for turning off edge and face swapping during
adaptation. Default: False.
* `no_move`: Boolean flag for turning off node movement during adaptation.
Default: False.
* `no_surf`: Boolean flag for turning off surface modification during
adaptation. Default: False.
* `num_iterations`: Number of adaptation-repartitioning iterations in the
parallel case. Default: 3. For details on the parallel algorithm, see
* `verbosity`: Verbosity of the mesh adaptation package (-1 = silent,
10 = maximum). Default: -1. For more detail, see
* `isotropic`: Optimisation for isotropic metrics. (Currently unsupported.)
* `uniform`: Optimisation for uniform metrics. (Currently unsupported.)
* `restrict_anisotropy_first`: Specify that anisotropy should be restricted
before normalisation? (Currently unsupported.)
:kwarg metric_parameters: parameters as above
:type metric_parameters: :class:`dict` with :class:`str` keys and value which
may take various types
metric_parameters = metric_parameters or {}
mp, vp = self._process_parameters(metric_parameters)
mp = self._metric_parameters.copy()
if mp.get("dm_plex_metric_p") == np.inf:
mp["dm_plex_metric_p"] = 1.79769e308
# Pass parameters to PETSc
with OptionsManager(mp, "").inserted_options():
if self._plex.metricIsUniform():
raise NotImplementedError(
"Uniform metric optimisations are not supported in Firedrake."
if self._plex.metricIsIsotropic():
raise NotImplementedError(
"Isotropic metric optimisations are not supported in Firedrake."
if self._plex.metricRestrictAnisotropyFirst():
raise NotImplementedError(
"Restricting metric anisotropy first is not supported in Firedrake."
def metric_parameters(self):
mp = self._metric_parameters.copy()
if self._variable_parameters_set:
return mp
def _create_from_array(self, array):
bsize = self.dat.cdim
size = [self.dat.dataset.total_size * bsize] * 2
return PETSc.Vec().createWithArray(array, size=size, bsize=bsize, comm=comm)
def _set_plex_coordinates(self):
Ensure that the coordinates of the Firedrake mesh and the underlying DMPlex are
entity_dofs = np.zeros(self._tdim + 1, dtype=np.int32)
entity_dofs[0] = self._mesh.geometric_dimension()
coord_section = self._mesh.create_section(entity_dofs)[0]
# NOTE: section doesn't have any fields, but PETSc assumes it to have one
coord_dm = self._plex.getCoordinateDM()
coords_local = coord_dm.createLocalVec()
coords_local.array[:] = np.reshape(
self._mesh.coordinates.dat.data_ro_with_halos, coords_local.array.shape
# --- Methods for creating metrics
def copy(self, deepcopy=False):
Copy the metric and any associated parameters.
:kwarg deepcopy: If ``True``, the new metric will allocate new space and copy
values. If ``False`` (default) then the new metric will share the DoF
:type deepcopy: :class:`bool`
:return: a copy of the metric with the same parameters set
:rtype: :class:`~.RiemannianMetric`
metric = type(self)(super().copy(deepcopy=deepcopy))
return metric
def compute_hessian(self, field, method="mixed_L2", **kwargs):
Recover the Hessian of a scalar field.
:arg f: the scalar field whose Hessian we seek to recover
:kwarg method: recovery method
All other keyword arguments are passed to the chosen recovery routine.
In the case of the `'L2'` method, the `target_space` keyword argument is used
for the gradient recovery. The target space for the Hessian recovery is
inherited from the metric itself.
if method == "L2":
gradient = recover_gradient_l2(
field, target_space=kwargs.get("target_space")
return self.assign(recover_gradient_l2(gradient))
elif method == "mixed_L2":
return self.interpolate(
self._compute_gradient_and_hessian(field, **kwargs)[1]
elif method == "Clement":
return self.assign(recover_hessian_clement(field, **kwargs)[1])
elif method == "ZZ":
raise NotImplementedError(
"Zienkiewicz-Zhu recovery not yet implemented."
) # TODO (#130)
raise ValueError(f"Recovery method '{method}' not recognised.")
def compute_boundary_hessian(self, f, method="mixed_L2", **kwargs):
Recover the Hessian of a scalar field on the domain boundary.
:arg f: field to recover over the domain boundary
:kwarg method: choose from 'mixed_L2' and 'Clement'
return self.assign(recover_boundary_hessian(f, method=method, **kwargs))
def _compute_gradient_and_hessian(self, field, solver_parameters=None):
mesh = self.function_space().mesh()
V = ffs.VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)
W = V * self.function_space()
g, H = firedrake.TrialFunctions(W)
phi, tau = firedrake.TestFunctions(W)
sol = ffunc.Function(W)
n = ufl.FacetNormal(mesh)
a = (
ufl.inner(tau, H) * ufl.dx
+ ufl.inner(ufl.div(tau), g) * ufl.dx
-,, n)) * ufl.ds
-, ufl.jump(tau, n)) * ufl.dS
+ ufl.inner(phi, g) * ufl.dx
L = (
field *, n) * ufl.ds
+ ufl.avg(field) * ufl.jump(phi, n) * ufl.dS
- field * ufl.div(phi) * ufl.dx
if solver_parameters is None:
solver_parameters = {
"mat_type": "aij",
"ksp_type": "gmres",
"ksp_max_it": 20,
"pc_type": "fieldsplit",
"pc_fieldsplit_type": "schur",
"pc_fieldsplit_0_fields": "1",
"pc_fieldsplit_1_fields": "0",
"pc_fieldsplit_schur_precondition": "selfp",
"fieldsplit_0_ksp_type": "preonly",
"fieldsplit_1_ksp_type": "preonly",
"fieldsplit_1_pc_type": "gamg",
"fieldsplit_1_mg_levels_ksp_max_it": 5,
if firedrake.COMM_WORLD.size == 1:
solver_parameters["fieldsplit_0_pc_type"] = "ilu"
solver_parameters["fieldsplit_1_mg_levels_pc_type"] = "ilu"
solver_parameters["fieldsplit_0_pc_type"] = "bjacobi"
solver_parameters["fieldsplit_0_sub_ksp_type"] = "preonly"
solver_parameters["fieldsplit_0_sub_pc_type"] = "ilu"
solver_parameters["fieldsplit_1_mg_levels_pc_type"] = "bjacobi"
solver_parameters["fieldsplit_1_mg_levels_sub_ksp_type"] = "preonly"
solver_parameters["fieldsplit_1_mg_levels_sub_pc_type"] = "ilu"
firedrake.solve(a == L, sol, solver_parameters=solver_parameters)
return sol.subfunctions
# --- Methods for processing metrics
def enforce_spd(self, restrict_sizes=False, restrict_anisotropy=False):
Enforce that the metric is symmetric positive-definite.
:kwarg restrict_sizes: should minimum and maximum metric magnitudes be enforced?
:kwarg restrict_anisotropy: should maximum anisotropy be enforced?
:return: the :class:`~.RiemannianMetric`, modified in-place.
kw = {
"restrictSizes": restrict_sizes,
"restrictAnisotropy": restrict_anisotropy,
if self._variable_parameters_set:
kw["restrictSizes"] = False
kw["restrictAnisotropy"] = False
v = self._create_from_array(self.dat.data_with_halos)
det, _ = self._plex.metricDeterminantCreate()
self._plex.metricEnforceSPD(v, v, det, **kw)
size = np.shape(self.dat.data_with_halos)
self.dat.data_with_halos[:] = np.reshape(v.array, size)
if self._variable_parameters_set:
if restrict_sizes and restrict_anisotropy:
return self._enforce_variable_constraints()
elif restrict_sizes or restrict_anisotropy:
raise NotImplementedError(
"Can only currently restrict both sizes and anisotropy."
return self
# TODO: Implement this on the PETSc side
# See
def _enforce_variable_constraints(self):
Post-process a metric to enforce minimum and maximum metric magnitudes
and maximum anisotropy, any of which may vary spatially.
mesh = self.function_space().mesh()
P1 = firedrake.FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)
def interp(f):
Try to apply a Clement interpolant.
* `TypeError` indicates something other than a :class:`Function` passed.
* `ValueError` indicates the :class:`Function` is not :math:`\mathbb{P}0`.
return clement_interpolant(f, target_space=P1)
except TypeError:
return ffunc.Function(P1).assign(f)
except ValueError:
return ffunc.Function(P1).interpolate(f)
h_min = interp(self._variable_parameters["dm_plex_metric_h_min"])
h_max = interp(self._variable_parameters["dm_plex_metric_h_max"])
a_max = interp(self._variable_parameters["dm_plex_metric_a_max"])
# Check minimal h_min value is positive and smaller than minimal h_max value
_hmin = h_min.vector().gather().min()
if _hmin <= 0.0:
raise ValueError(f"Encountered non-positive h_min value: {_hmin}.")
if h_max.vector().gather().min() < _hmin:
raise ValueError(
"Minimum h_max value is smaller than minimum h_min value:"
f"{h_max.vector().gather().min()} < {_hmin}."
# Check h_max is always at least h_min
dx = ufl.dx(domain=mesh)
integral = firedrake.assemble(ufl.conditional(h_max < h_min, 1, 0) * dx)
if not np.isclose(integral, 0.0):
raise ValueError("Encountered regions where h_max < h_min.")
# Check minimal a_max value is close to unity or larger
_a_max = a_max.vector().gather().min()
if not np.isclose(_a_max, 1.0) and _a_max < 1.0:
raise ValueError(f"Encountered a_max value smaller than unity: {_a_max}.")
dim = mesh.topological_dimension()
boundary_tag = self._variable_parameters.get("dm_plex_metric_boundary_tag")
if boundary_tag is None:
node_set = self.function_space().node_set
bc = firedrake.DirichletBC(self.function_space(), 0, boundary_tag)
node_set = bc.node_set
get_metric_kernel("postproc_metric", dim),
return self
def normalise(self, global_factor=None, boundary=False, **kwargs):
Apply :math:`L^p` normalisation to the metric.
:kwarg global_factor: pre-computed global normalisation factor
:kwarg boundary: is the normalisation to be done over the boundary?
:kwarg restrict_sizes: should minimum and maximum metric magnitudes be enforced?
:kwarg restrict_anisotropy: should maximum anisotropy be enforced?
:return: the normalised :class:`~.RiemannianMetric`, modified in-place
kwargs.setdefault("restrict_sizes", True)
kwargs.setdefault("restrict_anisotropy", True)
d = self._tdim - 1 if boundary else self._tdim
p = self.metric_parameters.get("dm_plex_metric_p", 1.0)
target = self.metric_parameters.get("dm_plex_metric_target_complexity")
if target is None:
raise ValueError("dm_plex_metric_target_complexity must be set.")
# Enforce that the metric is SPD
self.enforce_spd(restrict_sizes=False, restrict_anisotropy=False)
# Compute global normalisation factor
detM = ufl.det(self)
if global_factor is None:
dX = (ufl.ds if boundary else ufl.dx)(domain=self._mesh)
exponent = 0.5 if np.isinf(p) else (p / (2 * p + d))
integral = firedrake.assemble(pow(detM, exponent) * dX)
global_factor = firedrake.Constant(pow(target / integral, 2 / d))
# Normalise the metric
if boundary:
raise NotImplementedError(
"Normalisation on the boundary not yet implemented."
determinant = 1 if np.isinf(p) else pow(detM, -1 / (2 * p + d))
self.interpolate(global_factor * determinant * self)
# Enforce element constraints
return self.enforce_spd(**kwargs)
# --- Methods for combining metrics
def intersect(self, *metrics):
Intersect the metric with other metrics.
Metric intersection means taking the minimal ellipsoid in the direction of each
eigenvector at each point in the domain.
:arg metrics: the metrics to be intersected with
:return: the intersected :class:`~.RiemannianMetric`, modified in-place
fs = self.function_space()
for metric in metrics:
assert isinstance(metric, RiemannianMetric)
if fs != metric.function_space():
raise ValueError(
"Cannot intersect metrics with different function spaces."
# Intersect the metrics recursively one at a time
if len(metrics) == 0:
elif len(metrics) == 1:
v1 = self._create_from_array(self.dat.data_with_halos)
v2 = self._create_from_array(metrics[0].dat.data_ro_with_halos)
vout = self._create_from_array(np.zeros_like(self.dat.data_with_halos))
# Compute the intersection on the PETSc level
self._plex.metricIntersection2(v1, v2, vout)
# Assign to the output of the intersection
size = np.shape(self.dat.data_with_halos)
self.dat.data_with_halos[:] = np.reshape(vout.array, size)
return self
def average(self, *metrics, weights=None):
Average the metric with other metrics.
:args metrics: the metrics to be averaged with
:kwarg weights: list of weights to apply to each metric
:return: the averaged :class:`~.RiemannianMetric`, modified in-place
num_metrics = len(metrics) + 1
if num_metrics == 1:
return self
if weights is None:
weights = np.ones(num_metrics) / num_metrics
if len(weights) != num_metrics:
raise ValueError(
f"Number of weights ({len(weights)}) does not match number of metrics"
f" ({num_metrics})."
self *= weights[0]
fs = self.function_space()
for i, metric in enumerate(metrics):
assert isinstance(metric, RiemannianMetric)
if fs != metric.function_space():
raise ValueError(
"Cannot average metrics with different function spaces."
self += weights[i + 1] * metric
return self
def combine(self, *metrics, average: bool = True, **kwargs):
Combine metrics using either averaging or intersection.
:arg metrics: the list of metrics to combine with
:kwarg average: toggle between averaging and intersection
All other keyword arguments are passed to the relevant method.
return (self.average if average else self.intersect)(*metrics, **kwargs)
# --- Metric diagnostics
def complexity(self, boundary=False):
Compute the metric complexity - the continuous analogue
of the (inherently discrete) mesh vertex count.
:kwarg boundary: should the complexity be computed over the domain boundary?
:return: the complexity of the :class:`~.RiemannianMetric`
dX = ufl.ds if boundary else ufl.dx
return firedrake.assemble(ufl.sqrt(ufl.det(self)) * dX)
# --- Metric factorisations
def compute_eigendecomposition(self, reorder=False):
Compute the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of a matrix-valued function.
:kwarg reorder: should the eigendecomposition be reordered in order of
*descending* eigenvalue magnitude?
:return: eigenvector :class:`firedrake.function.Function` and eigenvalue
:class:`firedrake.function.Function` from the
:func:`firedrake.functionspace.TensorFunctionSpace` underpinning the metric
V_ten = self.function_space()
mesh = V_ten.mesh()
fe = (V_ten.ufl_element().family(), V_ten.ufl_element().degree())
V_vec = firedrake.VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, *fe)
dim = mesh.topological_dimension()
evectors, evalues = firedrake.Function(V_ten), firedrake.Function(V_vec)
if reorder:
name = "get_reordered_eigendecomposition"
name = "get_eigendecomposition"
kernel = get_metric_kernel(name, dim)
return evectors, evalues
def assemble_eigendecomposition(self, evectors, evalues):
Assemble a matrix from its eigenvectors and eigenvalues.
:arg evectors: eigenvector :class:`firedrake.function.Function`
:arg evalues: eigenvalue :class:`firedrake.function.Function`
V_ten = evectors.function_space()
fe_ten = V_ten.ufl_element()
if len(V_ten.value_shape) != 2:
raise ValueError(
"Eigenvector Function should be rank-2,"
f" not rank-{len(V_ten.value_shape)}."
V_vec = evalues.function_space()
fe_vec = V_vec.ufl_element()
if len(V_vec.value_shape) != 1:
raise ValueError(
"Eigenvalue Function should be rank-1,"
f" not rank-{len(V_vec.value_shape)}."
if !=
raise ValueError(
"Mismatching finite element families:"
f" '{}' vs. '{}'."
if !=
raise ValueError(
"Mismatching finite element space degrees:"
f" {} vs. {}."
dim = V_ten.mesh().topological_dimension()
get_metric_kernel("set_eigendecomposition", dim),
return self
def density_and_quotients(self, reorder=False):
Extract the density and anisotropy quotients from a metric.
By symmetry, Riemannian metrics admit an orthogonal eigendecomposition,
.. math::
\underline{\mathbf M}(\mathbf x)
= \underline{\mathbf V}(\mathbf x)\:
\underline{\boldsymbol\Lambda}(\mathbf x)\:
\underline{\mathbf V}(\mathbf x)^T,
at each point :math:`\mathbf x\in\Omega`, where
:math:`\underline{\mathbf V}` and :math:`\underline{\boldsymbol\Sigma}` are
matrices holding the eigenvectors and eigenvalues, respectively. By
positive-definiteness, entries of :math:`\underline{\boldsymbol\Lambda}` are all
An alternative decomposition,
.. math::
\underline{\mathbf M}(\mathbf x)
= d(\mathbf x)^\frac2n
\underline{\mathbf V}(\mathbf x)\:
\underline{\mathbf R}(\mathbf x)^{-\frac2n}
\underline{\mathbf V}(\mathbf x)^T
can also be deduced, in terms of the `metric density` and
`anisotropy quotients`,
.. math::
d = \prod_{i=1}^n h_i,\qquad
r_i = h_i^n d,\qquad \forall i=1:n,
where :math:`h_i := \frac1{\sqrt{\lambda_i}}`.
:kwarg reorder: should the eigendecomposition be reordered?
:return: metric density, anisotropy quotients and eigenvector matrix
fs_ten = self.function_space()
mesh = fs_ten.mesh()
fe = (fs_ten.ufl_element().family(), fs_ten.ufl_element().degree())
dim = mesh.topological_dimension()
evectors, evalues = self.compute_eigendecomposition(reorder=reorder)
# Extract density and quotients
density = firedrake.Function(
firedrake.FunctionSpace(mesh, *fe), name="Metric density"
density.interpolate([ufl.sqrt(e) for e in evalues]))
quotients = firedrake.Function(
firedrake.VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, *fe), name="Anisotropic quotients"
ufl.as_vector([density / ufl.sqrt(e) ** dim for e in evalues])
return density, quotients, evectors
# --- Goal-oriented metric drivers
def compute_isotropic_metric(
self, error_indicator, interpolant="Clement", **kwargs
Compute an isotropic metric from some error indicator.
The result is a :math:`\mathbb P1` diagonal tensor field whose entries are
projections of the error indicator in modulus.
:arg error_indicator: the error indicator
:kwarg interpolant: choose from 'Clement' or 'L2'
mesh = ufl.domain.extract_unique_domain(error_indicator)
if mesh != self.function_space().mesh():
raise ValueError("Cannot use an error indicator from a different mesh.")
dim = mesh.topological_dimension()
# Interpolate P0 indicators into P1 space
if interpolant == "Clement":
P1_indicator = clement_interpolant(error_indicator)
elif interpolant == "L2":
P1_indicator = firedrake.project(
error_indicator, firedrake.FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)
raise ValueError(f"Interpolant '{interpolant}' not recognised.")
return self.interpolate(abs(P1_indicator) * ufl.Identity(dim))
def compute_isotropic_dwr_metric(
Compute an isotropic metric from some error indicator using an element-based
The formulation is based on that presented in :cite:`Carpio:2013`. Note that
normalisation is implicit in the metric construction and involves the
`convergence_rate` parameter, named :math:`alpha` in :cite:`Carpio:2013`.
Whilst an element-based formulation is used to derive the metric, the result is
projected into :math:`\mathbb P1` space, by default.
:arg error_indicator: the error indicator
:kwarg convergence_rate: normalisation parameter
:kwarg min_eigenvalue: minimum tolerated eigenvalue
:kwarg interpolant: choose from 'Clement' or 'L2'
return self.compute_anisotropic_dwr_metric(
def _any_inf(self, f):
arr = f.vector().gather()
return np.isinf(arr).any() or np.isnan(arr).any()
def compute_anisotropic_dwr_metric(
Compute an anisotropic metric from some error indicator, given a Hessian field.
The formulation used is based on that presented in :cite:`Carpio:2013`. Note
that normalisation is implicit in the metric construction and involves the
`convergence_rate` parameter, named :math:`alpha` in :cite:`Carpio:2013`.
If a Hessian is not provided then an isotropic formulation is used.
Whilst an element-based formulation is used to derive the metric, the result is
projected into :math:`\mathbb P1` space, by default.
:arg error_indicator: the error indicator
:kwarg hessian: the Hessian
:kwarg convergence_rate: normalisation parameter
:kwarg min_eigenvalue: minimum tolerated eigenvalue
:kwarg interpolant: choose from 'Clement' or 'L2'
mp = self.metric_parameters.copy()
target_complexity = mp.get("dm_plex_metric_target_complexity")
if target_complexity is None:
raise ValueError("Target complexity must be set.")
mesh = ufl.domain.extract_unique_domain(error_indicator)
if mesh != self.function_space().mesh():
raise ValueError("Cannot use an error indicator from a different mesh.")
dim = mesh.topological_dimension()
if convergence_rate < 1.0:
raise ValueError(
f"Convergence rate must be at least one, not {convergence_rate}."
if min_eigenvalue <= 0.0:
raise ValueError(
f"Minimum eigenvalue must be positive, not {min_eigenvalue}."
if interpolant not in ("Clement", "L2"):
raise ValueError(f"Interpolant '{interpolant}' not recognised.")
P0_ten = firedrake.TensorFunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 0)
P0_metric = P0Metric(P0_ten)
# Get reference element volume
K_hat = 1 / 2 if dim == 2 else 1 / 6
# Get current element volume
K = K_hat * abs(ufl.JacobianDeterminant(mesh))
# Get optimal element volume
P0 = firedrake.FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 0)
K_opt = pow(error_indicator, 1 / (convergence_rate + 1))
K_opt_av = (
K_opt / firedrake.assemble(interpolate(K_opt, P0)).vector().gather().sum()
K_ratio = target_complexity * pow(abs(K_opt_av * K_hat / K), 2 / dim)
if self._any_inf(firedrake.assemble(interpolate(K_ratio, P0))):
raise ValueError("K_ratio contains non-finite values.")
# Interpolate from P1 to P0
# Note that this shouldn't affect symmetric positive-definiteness.
if hessian is not None:
hessian.enforce_spd(restrict_sizes=False, restrict_anisotropy=False)
P0_metric.project(hessian or ufl.Identity(dim))
# Compute stretching factors (in ascending order)
evectors, evalues = P0_metric.compute_eigendecomposition(reorder=True)
divisor = pow(, 1 / dim)
modified_evalues = [
abs(ufl.max_value(e, min_eigenvalue) / divisor) for e in evalues
# Assemble metric with modified eigenvalues
evalues.interpolate(K_ratio * ufl.as_vector(modified_evalues))
if self._any_inf(evalues):
raise ValueError(
"At least one modified stretching factor contains non-finite values."
P0_metric.assemble_eigendecomposition(evectors, evalues)
# Interpolate the metric into the target space
fs = self.function_space()
metric = RiemannianMetric(fs)
if interpolant == "Clement":
metric.assign(clement_interpolant(P0_metric, target_space=fs))
# Rescale to enforce that the target complexity is met
# NOTE: We use the L-infinity norm so that the metric is just scaled to the
# target metric complexity, as opposed to being redistributed spatially.
mp["dm_plex_metric_p"] = np.inf
return self.assign(metric)
def compute_weighted_hessian_metric(
Compute a vertex-wise anisotropic metric from a list of error indicators, given
a list of corresponding Hessian fields.
The formulation used is based on that presented in :cite:`Power:2006`. It is
assumed that the error indicators have been constructed in the appropriate way.
:arg error_indicators: list of error indicators
:arg hessians: list of Hessians
:kwarg average: should metric components be averaged or intersected?
:kwarg interpolant: choose from 'Clement' or 'L2'
if isinstance(error_indicators, firedrake.Function):
error_indicators = [error_indicators]
if isinstance(hessians, firedrake.Function):
hessians = [hessians]
mesh = self.function_space().mesh()
P1 = firedrake.FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)
for error_indicator, hessian in zip(error_indicators, hessians):
if mesh != error_indicator.function_space().mesh():
raise ValueError("Cannot use an error indicator from a different mesh.")
if mesh != hessian.function_space().mesh():
raise ValueError("Cannot use a Hessian from a different mesh.")
if not isinstance(hessian, RiemannianMetric):
raise TypeError(
f"Expected Hessian to be a RiemannianMetric, not {type(hessian)}."
if interpolant == "Clement":
error_indicator = clement_interpolant(error_indicator, target_space=P1)
elif interpolant == "L2":
error_indicator = firedrake.project(error_indicator, P1)
raise ValueError(f"Interpolant '{interpolant}' not recognised.")
hessian.interpolate(abs(error_indicator) * hessian)
return self.combine(*hessians, average=average)
class P0Metric(RiemannianMetric):
Subclass of :class:`~.RiemannianMetric` which allows use of :math:`\mathbb P0`
def _check_space(self):
el = self.function_space().ufl_element()
if (, != ("Discontinuous Lagrange", 0):
raise ValueError(f"P0 metric should be in P0 space, not '{el}'.")
def determine_metric_complexity(H_interior, H_boundary, target, p, **kwargs):
Solve an algebraic problem to obtain coefficients for the interior and boundary
metrics to obtain a given metric complexity.
See :cite:Loseille:2010` for details. Note that we use a slightly different
formulation here.
:arg H_interior: Hessian component from domain interior
:arg H_boundary: Hessian component from domain boundary
:arg target: target metric complexity
:arg p: normalisation order
:kwarg H_interior_scaling: optional scaling for interior component
:kwarg H_boundary_scaling: optional scaling for boundary component
d = H_interior.function_space().mesh().topological_dimension()
if d not in (2, 3):
raise ValueError(f"Spatial dimension {d} not supported.")
if np.isinf(p):
raise NotImplementedError(
"Metric complexity cannot be determined in the L-infinity case."
g = kwargs.get("H_interior_scaling", firedrake.Constant(1.0))
gbar = kwargs.get("H_boundary_scaling", firedrake.Constant(1.0))
g = pow(g, d / (2 * p + d))
gbar = pow(gbar, d / (2 * p + d - 1))
# Compute coefficients for the algebraic problem
a = firedrake.assemble(g * pow(ufl.det(H_interior), p / (2 * p + d)) * ufl.dx)
b = firedrake.assemble(
gbar * pow(ufl.det(H_boundary), p / (2 * p + d - 1)) * ufl.ds
# Solve algebraic problem
c = sympy.Symbol("c")
c = sympy.solve(a * pow(c, d / 2) + b * pow(c, (d - 1) / 2) - target, c)
eq = f"{a}*c^{d/2} + {b}*c^{(d-1)/2} = {target}"
if len(c) == 0:
raise ValueError(f"Could not find any solutions for equation {eq}.")
elif len(c) > 1:
raise ValueError(f"Could not find a unique solution for equation {eq}.")
elif not np.isclose(float([0])), 0.0):
raise ValueError(f"Could not find any real solutions for equation {eq}.")
return float([0]))
# TODO: Use the intersection functionality in PETSc
# See
def intersect_on_boundary(*metrics, boundary_tag="on_boundary"):
Combine a list of metrics by intersection.
:arg metrics: the metrics to be combined
:kwarg boundary_tag: optional boundary segment physical ID for boundary
intersection. Otherwise, the intersection is over the whole boundary.
n = len(metrics)
assert n > 0, "Nothing to combine"
fs = metrics[0].function_space()
dim = fs.mesh().topological_dimension()
if dim not in (2, 3):
raise ValueError(
f"Spatial dimension {dim} not supported." " Must be either 2 or 3."
for i, metric in enumerate(metrics):
if not isinstance(metric, RiemannianMetric):
raise ValueError(
f"Metric {i} should be of type 'RiemannianMetric',"
f" but is of type '{type(metric)}'."
fsi = metric.function_space()
if fs != fsi:
raise ValueError(
f"Function space of metric {i} does not match that"
f" of metric 0: {fsi} vs. {fs}."
# Create the metric to be returned
intersected_metric = RiemannianMetric(fs)
# Establish the boundary node set
if isinstance(boundary_tag, (list, tuple)) and len(boundary_tag) == 0:
raise ValueError(
"It is unclear what to do with an empty"
f" {type(boundary_tag)} of boundary tags."
node_set = firedrake.DirichletBC(fs, 0, boundary_tag).node_set
# Compute the intersection
Mtmp = RiemannianMetric(fs)
for metric in metrics[1:]:
get_metric_kernel("intersect", dim),
return intersected_metric