Source code for animate.quality

Functions for computing mesh quality measures.

import os

import firedrake
import ufl
from firedrake.__future__ import interpolate
from firedrake.petsc import PETSc
from pyop2 import op2
from pyop2.utils import get_petsc_dir

PETSC_DIR, PETSC_ARCH = get_petsc_dir()
include_dir = ["%s/include/eigen3" % PETSC_ARCH]

__all__ = ["QualityMeasure"]

[docs] class QualityMeasure: """ Class for computing quality measures associated with a given mesh. Choices of quality measure: * ``min_angle``: the minimum angle of each cell * ``area``: the area of each cell in a 2D triangular mesh * ``volume``: the volume of each cell in a 3D tetrahedral mesh * ``facet_area``: the area of each *facet*. * ``aspect_ratio``: the aspect ratio of each cell * ``eskew``: the equiangle skew of each cell * ``skewness``: the skewness of each cell in a 2D triangular mesh * ``scaled_jacobian``: the scaled Jacobian of each cell * ``metric``: given a Riemannian metric, this function outputs the value of the quality measure :eq:`Q_M` based on the transformation encoded by the metric. """ _measures = ( "min_angle", "area", "volume", "facet_area", "aspect_ratio", "eskew", "skewness", "scaled_jacobian", "metric", ) @PETSc.Log.EventDecorator() def __init__(self, mesh, metric=None, python=False): """ :arg mesh: the input mesh to do computations on :arg metric: the tensor field representing the metric space transformation :kwarg python: compute the measure using Python? """ self.mesh = mesh self.metric = metric self.python = python self.dim = mesh.topological_dimension() self.coords = mesh.coordinates self.P0 = firedrake.FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 0) src_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "cxx") self.fname = os.path.join(src_dir, f"quality{self.dim}d.cxx") def _get_dats(self, func): dats = ( func.dat(op2.WRITE, func.cell_node_map()), self.coords.dat(op2.READ, self.coords.cell_node_map()), ) if self.metric is not None: dats += (self.metric.dat(op2.READ, self.metric.cell_node_map()),) return dats @PETSc.Log.EventDecorator() def __call__(self, name): if name not in QualityMeasure._measures: raise ValueError(f"Quality measure '{name}' not recognised.") msg = ( f"Quality measure '{name}' not implemented in the {self.dim}D case in C++." ) if self.python: return self._call_python(name) elif name == "facet_area": raise NotImplementedError(msg) elif name == "skewness" and self.dim == 3: raise NotImplementedError(msg) with open(self.fname, "r") as f: code = func = firedrake.Function(self.P0, name=name) kwargs = {"cpp": True, "include_dirs": include_dir} kernel = op2.Kernel(code, f"get_{name}", **kwargs) op2.par_loop(kernel, self.mesh.cell_set, *self._get_dats(func)) return func @PETSc.Log.EventDecorator() def _call_python(self, name): if name in ("area", "volume"): return firedrake.assemble(interpolate(ufl.CellVolume(self.mesh), self.P0)) elif name == "facet_area": HDivTrace = firedrake.FunctionSpace(self.mesh, "HDiv Trace", 0) v = firedrake.TestFunction(HDivTrace) u = firedrake.TrialFunction(HDivTrace) facet_area = firedrake.Function(HDivTrace, name="Facet areas") mass_term = v("+") * u("+") * ufl.dS + v * u * ufl.ds rhs = ( v("+") * ufl.FacetArea(self.mesh) * ufl.dS + v * ufl.FacetArea(self.mesh) * ufl.ds ) sp = { "snes_type": "ksponly", "ksp_type": "preonly", "pc_type": "jacobi", } firedrake.solve(mass_term == rhs, facet_area, solver_parameters=sp) return facet_area elif name == "aspect_ratio" and self.dim == 2: P0_ten = firedrake.TensorFunctionSpace(self.mesh, "DG", 0) J = firedrake.assemble(interpolate(ufl.Jacobian(self.mesh), P0_ten)) edge1 = ufl.as_vector([J[0, 0], J[1, 0]]) edge2 = ufl.as_vector([J[0, 1], J[1, 1]]) edge3 = edge1 - edge2 a = ufl.sqrt(, edge1)) b = ufl.sqrt(, edge2)) c = ufl.sqrt(, edge3)) ar = firedrake.Function(self.P0) ar.interpolate(a * b * c / ((a + b - c) * (b + c - a) * (c + a - b))) return ar elif name == "scaled_jacobian" and self.dim == 2: P0_ten = firedrake.TensorFunctionSpace(self.mesh, "DG", 0) J = firedrake.assemble(interpolate(ufl.Jacobian(self.mesh), P0_ten)) edge1 = ufl.as_vector([J[0, 0], J[1, 0]]) edge2 = ufl.as_vector([J[0, 1], J[1, 1]]) edge3 = edge1 - edge2 a = ufl.sqrt(, edge1)) b = ufl.sqrt(, edge2)) c = ufl.sqrt(, edge3)) detJ = ufl.JacobianDeterminant(self.mesh) jacobian_sign = ufl.sign(detJ) max_product = ufl.max_value( ufl.max_value(ufl.max_value(a * b, a * c), ufl.max_value(b * c, b * a)), ufl.max_value(c * a, c * b), ) return firedrake.assemble( interpolate(detJ / max_product * jacobian_sign, self.P0) ) else: raise NotImplementedError( f"Quality measure '{name}' not implemented in the {self.dim}D case in" " Python." )