Source code for animate.utility

Utility functions and classes for metric-based mesh adaptation.

from collections import OrderedDict

import firedrake
import firedrake.function as ffunc
import firedrake.mesh as fmesh
import ufl
from firedrake.__future__ import interpolate
from firedrake.petsc import PETSc

__all__ = ["Mesh", "VTKFile", "norm", "errornorm"]

[docs] @PETSc.Log.EventDecorator() def Mesh(arg, **kwargs): """ Overload :func:`firedrake.mesh.Mesh` to endow the output mesh with useful quantities. The following quantities are computed by default: * cell size; * facet area. The argument and keyword arguments are passed to Firedrake's :func:`firedrake.mesh.Mesh` constructor, modified so that the argument could also be a mesh. Arguments and keyword arguments are the same as for :func:`firedrake.mesh.Mesh`. :returns: the constructed mesh :rtype: :class:`firedrake.mesh.MeshGeometry` """ try: mesh = firedrake.Mesh(arg, **kwargs) except TypeError: mesh = firedrake.Mesh(arg.coordinates, **kwargs) if isinstance(mesh._topology, fmesh.VertexOnlyMeshTopology): return mesh P0 = firedrake.FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 0) P1 = firedrake.FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1) dim = mesh.topological_dimension() # Facet area boundary_markers = sorted(mesh.exterior_facets.unique_markers) one = ffunc.Function(P1).assign(1.0) bnd_len = OrderedDict( {i: firedrake.assemble(one * ufl.ds(int(i))) for i in boundary_markers} ) if dim == 2: mesh.boundary_len = bnd_len else: mesh.boundary_area = bnd_len # Cell size if dim == 2 and mesh.coordinates.ufl_element().cell == ufl.triangle: mesh.delta_x = firedrake.assemble(interpolate(ufl.CellDiameter(mesh), P0)) return mesh
[docs] class VTKFile(firedrake.output.VTKFile): """ Overload :class:`firedrake.output.VTKFile` so that it uses ``adaptive`` mode by default. Whilst this means that the mesh topology is recomputed at every export, it removes any need for the user to reset it manually. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault("adaptive", True) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def _write_vtu(self, *functions): """ Overload the Firedrake functionality under the blind assumption that the same list of functions are outputted each time (albeit on different meshes). The arguments and return values are the same as for :meth:`firedrake.output.File._write_vtu`. """ if self._fnames is not None: if len(self._fnames) != len(functions): raise ValueError( "Writing different number of functions: expected" f" {len(self._fnames)}, got {len(functions)}." ) for name, f in zip(self._fnames, functions): if != name: f.rename(name) return super()._write_vtu(*functions)
[docs] @PETSc.Log.EventDecorator() def norm(v, norm_type="L2", condition=None, boundary=False): r""" Overload :func:`firedrake.norms.norm` to allow for :math:`\ell^p` norms. Currently supported ``norm_type`` options: * ``'l1'`` * ``'l2'`` * ``'linf'`` * ``'L2'`` * ``'Linf'`` * ``'H1'`` * ``'Hdiv'`` * ``'Hcurl'`` * or any ``'Lp'`` with :math:`p >= 1`. Note that this version is case sensitive, i.e. ``'l2'`` and ``'L2'`` will give different results in general. :arg v: the function to take the norm of :type v: :class:`firedrake.function.Function` or :class:`firedrake.cofunction.Cofunction` :kwarg norm_type: the type of norm to use :type norm_type: :class:`str` :kwarg condition: a UFL condition for specifying a subdomain to compute the norm over :kwarg boundary: if ``True``, the norm is computed over the domain boundary :type boundary: :class:`bool` :returns: the norm value :rtype: :class:`float` """ if isinstance(v, firedrake.Cofunction): v = cofunction2function(v) condition = condition or firedrake.Constant(1.0) norm_codes = {"l1": 0, "l2": 2, "linf": 3} p = 2 if norm_type in norm_codes or norm_type == "Linf": if boundary: raise NotImplementedError("lp errors on the boundary not yet implemented.") v.interpolate(condition * v) if norm_type == "Linf": with v.dat.vec_ro as vv: return vv.max()[1] else: with v.dat.vec_ro as vv: return vv.norm(norm_codes[norm_type]) elif norm_type[0] == "l": raise NotImplementedError( "lp norm of order {:s} not supported.".format(norm_type[1:]) ) else: dX = ufl.ds if boundary else ufl.dx if norm_type.startswith("L"): try: p = int(norm_type[1:]) except Exception as exc: raise ValueError(f"Unable to interpret '{norm_type}' norm.") from exc if p < 1: raise ValueError(f"'{norm_type}' norm does not make sense.") integrand = ufl.inner(v, v) elif norm_type.lower() in ("h1", "hdiv", "hcurl"): integrand = { "h1": lambda w: ufl.inner(w, w) + ufl.inner(ufl.grad(w), ufl.grad(w)), "hdiv": lambda w: ufl.inner(w, w) + ufl.div(w) * ufl.div(w), "hcurl": lambda w: ufl.inner(w, w) + ufl.inner(ufl.curl(w), ufl.curl(w)), }[norm_type.lower()](v) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown norm type '{norm_type}'.") return firedrake.assemble(condition * integrand ** (p / 2) * dX) ** (1 / p)
[docs] @PETSc.Log.EventDecorator() def errornorm(u, uh, norm_type="L2", boundary=False, **kwargs): # noqa: C901 r""" Overload :func:`firedrake.norms.errornorm` to allow for :math:`\ell^p` norms. Currently supported ``norm_type`` options: * ``'l1'`` * ``'l2'`` * ``'linf'`` * ``'L2'`` * ``'Linf'`` * ``'H1'`` * ``'Hdiv'`` * ``'Hcurl'`` * or any ``'Lp'`` with :math:`p >= 1`. Note that this version is case sensitive, i.e. ``'l2'`` and ``'L2'`` will give different results in general. :arg u: the 'true' value :type u: :class:`firedrake.function.Function` or :class:`firedrake.cofunction.Cofunction` :arg uh: the approximation of the 'truth' :type uh: :class:`firedrake.function.Function` or :class:`firedrake.cofunction.Cofunction` :kwarg norm_type: the type of norm to use :type norm_type: :class:`str` :kwarg boundary: if ``True``, the norm is computed over the domain boundary :type boundary: :class:`bool` :returns: the error norm value :rtype: :class:`float` Any other keyword arguments are passed to :func:`firedrake.norms.errornorm`. """ if isinstance(u, firedrake.Cofunction): u = cofunction2function(u) if isinstance(uh, firedrake.Cofunction): uh = cofunction2function(uh) if not isinstance(uh, ffunc.Function): raise TypeError(f"uh should be a Function, is a '{type(uh)}'.") if norm_type[0] == "l": if not isinstance(u, ffunc.Function): raise TypeError(f"u should be a Function, is a '{type(u)}'.") if len(u.ufl_shape) != len(uh.ufl_shape): raise RuntimeError("Mismatching rank between u and uh.") if isinstance(u, ffunc.Function): degree_u = u.function_space().ufl_element().degree() degree_uh = uh.function_space().ufl_element().degree() if degree_uh > degree_u: firedrake.logging.warning( "Degree of exact solution less than approximation degree" ) # Case 1: point-wise norms if norm_type[0] == "l": v = u v -= uh # Case 2: UFL norms for mixed function spaces elif hasattr(uh.function_space(), "num_sub_spaces"): if norm_type == "L2": vv = [uu - uuh for uu, uuh in zip(u.subfunctions, uh.subfunctions)] dX = ufl.ds if boundary else ufl.dx return ufl.sqrt(firedrake.assemble(sum([ufl.inner(v, v) for v in vv]) * dX)) else: raise NotImplementedError( f"Norm type '{norm_type}' not supported for mixed spaces." ) # Case 3: UFL norms for non-mixed spaces else: v = u - uh return norm(v, norm_type=norm_type, **kwargs)
[docs] @PETSc.Log.EventDecorator() def assemble_mass_matrix(space, norm_type="L2", lumped=False): """ Assemble a mass matrix associated with some finite element space and norm. :arg space: function space to build the mass matrix with :type space: :class:`firedrake.functionspaceimpl.FunctionSpace` :kwarg norm_type: the type norm to build the mass matrix with :type norm_type: :class:`str` :kwarg lumped: if `True`, mass lumping is applied :type lumped: :class:`bool` :returns: the corresponding mass matrix :rtype: petsc4py.PETSc.Mat """ trial = firedrake.TrialFunction(space) test = firedrake.TestFunction(space) if norm_type == "L2": lhs = ufl.inner(trial, test) * ufl.dx elif norm_type == "H1": lhs = ( ufl.inner(trial, test) * ufl.dx + ufl.inner(ufl.grad(trial), ufl.grad(test)) * ufl.dx ) else: raise ValueError(f"Norm type '{norm_type}' not recognised.") mass_matrix = firedrake.assemble(lhs).petscmat if not lumped: return mass_matrix rhs = ffunc.Function(space).assign(1.0) product = ffunc.Function(space) with rhs.dat.vec_ro as b, product.dat.vec as x: mass_matrix.mult(b, x) return mass_matrix.createDiagonal(x)
[docs] def cofunction2function(cofunc): """ :arg cofunc: a cofunction :type cofunc: :class:`firedrake.cofunction.Cofunction` :returns: a function with the same underyling data :rtype: :class:`firedrake.function.Function` """ func = ffunc.Function(cofunc.function_space().dual()) if isinstance(func.dat.data_with_halos, tuple): for i, arr in enumerate(func.dat.data_with_halos): arr[:] = cofunc.dat.data_with_halos[i] else: func.dat.data_with_halos[:] = cofunc.dat.data_with_halos return func
[docs] def function2cofunction(func): """ :arg func: a function :type func: :class:`firedrake.function.Function` :returns: a cofunction with the same underlying data :rtype: :class:`firedrake.cofunction.Cofunction` """ cofunc = firedrake.Cofunction(func.function_space().dual()) if isinstance(cofunc.dat.data_with_halos, tuple): for i, arr in enumerate(cofunc.dat.data_with_halos): arr[:] = func.dat.data_with_halos[i] else: cofunc.dat.data_with_halos[:] = func.dat.data_with_halos return cofunc