Source code for movement.math

import numpy as np
import sympy

__all__ = []

[docs] def equation_of_hyperplane(*points): r""" Deduce an expression for the equation of a hyperplane passing through a set of points. :arg points: points the hyperplane passes through :type points: :class:`tuple` of :class:`tuple`\s :returns: a function representing the hyperplane :rtype: :class:`~.Callable` """ dim = len(points[0]) assert len(points) >= dim for point in points: assert len(point) == dim indices = list(range(len(points))) try: Point, Hyperplane, name = { 2: (sympy.Point2D, sympy.Line, "line"), 3: (sympy.Point3D, sympy.Plane, "plane"), }[dim] except KeyError as exc: raise NotImplementedError( f"equation_of_hyperplane not implemented in {dim}D." ) from exc while len(indices) >= dim: np.random.shuffle(indices) try: hyperplane = Hyperplane(*(Point(points[i]) for i in indices[:dim])) def equation(*xyz, hyperplane=hyperplane): return hyperplane.distance(Point(xyz)) return equation except ValueError: indices.pop(0) raise ValueError(f"Could not determine a {name} for the provided points.")