Solid body rotation with multiple prognostic variables

So far, we have only considered PDEs with a single prognostic variable. The Goalie API can sometimes be cumbersome for such equations, since solutions are passed between methods in dictionaries, which are indexed by the field name. This approach becomes useful when we solve PDEs with multiple prognostic variables.

In the the previous demo, we solved the solid body rotation problem with a single tracer concentration field. Here, we instead use different fields for each component of the initial condition, supposing that they correspond to different chemical compounds. Let’s call them "bell", "cone" and "slot_cyl".

from solid_body_rotation import *

fields = ["bell", "cone", "slot_cyl"]

Given that we previously included keyword arguments for field name, we are able to easily duplicate the various functions for the “split” case.

def get_function_spaces_split(mesh):
    ret = {}
    for f in fields:
        ret.update(get_function_spaces(mesh, field=f))
    return ret

def get_solver_split(mesh_seq):
    solver = get_solver(mesh_seq)

    def split_solver(*args):
        ret = {}
        for f in fields:
            ret.update(solver(*args, field=f))
        return ret

    return split_solver

def get_initial_condition_split(mesh_seq):
    x, y = SpatialCoordinate(mesh_seq[0])
    init = {
        "bell": bell_initial_condition,
        "cone": cone_initial_condition,
        "slot_cyl": slot_cyl_initial_condition,
    return {
        f: assemble(interpolate(init[f](x, y), fs[0]))
        for f, fs in mesh_seq.function_spaces.items()

def get_qoi_split(mesh_seq, sols, index):
    return get_qoi(mesh_seq, sols, index, field="slot_cyl")

Then we can set up the AdjointMeshSeq much as before and plot the outputs in the same way.

dt = pi / 300
test = os.environ.get("GOALIE_REGRESSION_TEST") is not None
end_time = pi / 4 if test else 2 * pi
time_partition = TimeInterval(
mesh_seq = AdjointMeshSeq(
solutions = mesh_seq.solve_adjoint()

if not test:
    for field, sols in solutions.items():
        fwd_outfile = VTKFile(f"solid_body_rotation_split/{field}_forward.pvd")
        adj_outfile = VTKFile(f"solid_body_rotation_split/{field}_adjoint.pvd")
        for i, mesh in enumerate(mesh_seq):
            for sol in sols["forward"][i]:
            for sol in sols["adjoint"][i]:

Looking at the Paraview files, you should find that the slot_cyl_adjoint solution fields match the c_adjoint fields from the previous demo. You should also find that the bell_adjoint and cone_adjoint solution fields are zero for all time. Convince yourself that these observations are to be expected.


Change the QoI so that we integrate over a region where the final cone is expected to be non-zero. Run the example again to see how the adjoint solutions differ for each field.

In the next demo, we move on from advection-diffusion equations to solving a system of advection-diffusion-reaction equations.

This tutorial can be dowloaded as a Python script.