# Author: Chunyang Wang
# GitHub Username: acse-cw1722
import os
import firedrake as fd
import numpy as np
import torch
from firedrake.cython.dmcommon import facet_closure_nodes
os.environ["OMP_NUM_THREADS"] = "1"
__all__ = ["MeshProcessor"]
def judge_in_hull(hull_points: np.array, point_to_judge: np.array, scale=1.0):
# print("in judge_in_hull")
# print("hull_points: ", hull_points)
mean = hull_points.mean(axis=0)
# print("mean: ", mean)
hull_points = hull_points - (1 - scale) * (hull_points - mean)
for i in range(len(hull_points)):
if i == len(hull_points) - 1:
# edge_vector = (hull_points[0, :] - hull_points[i, :])
edge_vector = hull_points[i, :] - hull_points[0, :]
# edge_vector = (hull_points[i + 1, :] - hull_points[i, :])
edge_vector = hull_points[i, :] - hull_points[i + 1, :]
if np.cross(edge_vector, point_to_judge - hull_points[i, :]) > 0:
return False
return True
def get_sample_points_in_convex_hull(points: np.array, size=32, scale=0.95):
print("in get_sample_points_in_convex_hull")
x_left, x_right = points[:, 0].min(), points[:, 0].max()
y_low, y_up = points[:, 1].min(), points[:, 1].max()
print("x_left, x_right, y_low, y_up: ", x_left, x_right, y_low, y_up)
points_x = np.linspace(x_left, x_right, size)
points_y = np.linspace(y_low, y_up, size)[::-1]
coord_ = np.random.random(size=(size**2, 2))
fetch_flag = np.zeros(size**2, dtype=bool)
for i in range(size):
for j in range(size):
idx = i * size + j
coord_[idx, 0] = points_x[j]
coord_[idx, 1] = points_y[i]
# print(judge_in_hull(points, coord_[idx, :], scale=scale))
if judge_in_hull(points, coord_[idx, :], scale=scale):
fetch_flag[idx] = 1
fetch_coord = coord_[fetch_flag, :]
return fetch_flag, fetch_coord
class MeshProcessor:
MeshProcessor class for pre-processing mesh data, attaching features to
and converting them to training data.
- original_mesh: The initial mesh.
- optimal_mesh: The optimal mesh after adaptation.
- function_space: The function space over which the mesh is defined.
- use_4_edge: Whether to use four edges for finding boundaries.
- feature: Dictionary containing features like 'uh', 'grad_uh' etc.
- raw_feature: Dictionary containing raw features like 'uh', 'hessian_norm
- dist_params: Dictionary containing distribution parameters.
- dist_params: Distribution parameters.
- mesh: The original mesh.
- optimal_mesh: The optimal mesh.
- function_space: The function space.
- feature: The attached features.
- raw_feature: The raw features.
- coordinates: The coordinates of the original mesh.
- optimal_coordinates: The coordinates of the optimal mesh.
- cell_node_list: The list of nodes for each cell.
- num_nodes: The number of nodes in each cell.
def __init__(
"uh": None,
"grad_uh": None,
"uh": None,
"hessian_norm": None,
"n_dist": None,
"σ_x": None,
"σ_y": None,
"μ_x": None,
"μ_y": None,
"z": None,
"w": None,
"use_iso": None,
gauss_list=None, # used in burgers equation bumps generation
swirl_params=None, # used in swirl test case for init ring gen
self.use_4_edge = use_4_edge
self.num_boundary = num_boundary
self.poly_mesh = poly_mesh
self.dist_params = dist_params
self.mesh = original_mesh
self.optimal_mesh = optimal_mesh
self.t = t
self.idx = idx
# the optimal mesh function space
self.function_space = function_space
self.feature = feature
self.raw_feature = raw_feature
self.coordinates = self.mesh.coordinates.dat.data_ro # (num_nodes, 2)
self.x = self.coordinates
self.optimal_coordinates = self.optimal_mesh.coordinates.dat.data_ro # noqa (num_nodes, 2)
self.y = self.optimal_coordinates # (num_nodes, 2), ground truth
self.cell_node_list = self.function_space.cell_node_list
self.num_nodes = self.cell_node_list.shape[1]
print("init done")
print("attatch_feat done")
self.conv_feat = self.get_conv_feat()
print("conv_feat done")
# PDE params
self.nu = nu
self.gauss_list = gauss_list
self.dur = dur # time consumed for MA solving
# swirl case params
self.swirl_params = swirl_params
def get_conv_feat_poly(self):
# print("poly poly my little poly")
num_edges = self.num_boundary
corner_idx_list = []
boundary_idx_list = []
fun_space = fd.FunctionSpace(self.mesh, "CG", 1)
for i in range(num_edges):
boundary_idx_list.append(facet_closure_nodes(fun_space, [i + 1]))
for i in range(num_edges):
if i == num_edges - 1:
np.intersect1d(boundary_idx_list[i], boundary_idx_list[0])
np.intersect1d(boundary_idx_list[i], boundary_idx_list[i + 1])
corner_idx = np.hstack(corner_idx_list)
corner_coordinates = self.coordinates[:][corner_idx, :]
sample_flag, sample_coord = get_sample_points_in_convex_hull(corner_coordinates)
# sampling for uh
uh_in_polygon = self.raw_feature["uh"].at(sample_coord, tolerance=1e-4)
uh_sample_buffer = np.zeros((32**2, 1))
uh_sample_buffer[sample_flag, :] = np.vstack(uh_in_polygon)
uh_sample_buffer = uh_sample_buffer.reshape(32, 32)
# sampling for grad uh norm
grad_uh_norm_in_polygon = self.raw_feature["grad_uh_norm"].at(
sample_coord, tolerance=1e-4
grad_uh_norm_sample_buffer = np.zeros((32**2, 1))
grad_uh_norm_sample_buffer[sample_flag, :] = np.vstack(grad_uh_norm_in_polygon)
grad_uh_norm_sample_buffer = grad_uh_norm_sample_buffer.reshape(32, 32)
# sampling for hessian norm
hessian_in_polygon = self.raw_feature["hessian_norm"].at(
sample_coord, tolerance=1e-4
hessian_sample_buffer = np.zeros((32**2, 1))
hessian_sample_buffer[sample_flag, :] = np.vstack(hessian_in_polygon)
hessian_sample_buffer = hessian_sample_buffer.reshape(32, 32)
# sampleing for monitor val
monitor_val_in_polygon = self.raw_feature["monitor_val"].at(
sample_coord, tolerance=1e-4
monitor_val_sample_buffer = np.zeros((32**2, 1))
monitor_val_sample_buffer[sample_flag, :] = np.vstack(monitor_val_in_polygon)
monitor_val_sample_buffer = monitor_val_sample_buffer.reshape(32, 32)
# On poly mesh, we define conv_fix and conv as the same
self.conv_uh = uh_sample_buffer[np.newaxis, :, :]
self.conv_uh_fix = uh_sample_buffer[np.newaxis, :, :]
self.conv_grad_uh_norm = grad_uh_norm_sample_buffer[np.newaxis, :, :]
self.conv_grad_uh_norm_fix = grad_uh_norm_sample_buffer[np.newaxis, :, :]
self.conv_hessian_norm = hessian_sample_buffer[np.newaxis, :, :]
self.conv_hessian_norm_fix = hessian_sample_buffer[np.newaxis, :, :]
self.conv_monitor_val = monitor_val_sample_buffer[np.newaxis, :, :]
self.conv_monitor_val_fix = monitor_val_sample_buffer[np.newaxis, :, :]
self.conv_xy = None
self.conv_xy_fix = None
def get_conv_feat(self, fix_reso_x=20, fix_reso_y=20):
Generate features for convolution. This involves grid spacing and other
related features.
if self.poly_mesh:
return self.get_conv_feat_poly()
coords = self.mesh.coordinates.dat.data_ro
x_start, y_start = np.min(coords, axis=0)
x_end, y_end = np.max(coords, axis=0)
# fix resolution sampling (sample at fixed grid)
conv_x_fix = np.linspace(x_start, x_end, fix_reso_x)
conv_y_fix = np.linspace(y_start, y_end, fix_reso_y)
conv_xy_fix = np.zeros((2, fix_reso_x, fix_reso_y))
conv_uh_fix = np.zeros((1, len(conv_x_fix), len(conv_y_fix)))
conv_grad_uh_norm_fix = np.zeros((1, len(conv_x_fix), len(conv_y_fix)))
conv_hessian_norm_fix = np.zeros((1, len(conv_x_fix), len(conv_y_fix)))
conv_monitor_val_fix = np.zeros((1, len(conv_x_fix), len(conv_y_fix)))
for i in range(len(conv_x_fix)):
for j in range(len(conv_y_fix)):
# (x, y) conv_feat
conv_xy_fix[:, i, j] = np.array([conv_x_fix[i], conv_y_fix[j]])
conv_uh_fix[:, i, j] = self.raw_feature["uh"].at(
[conv_x_fix[i], conv_y_fix[j]], tolerance=1e-3
if "grad_uh_norm" in self.raw_feature:
conv_grad_uh_norm_fix[:, i, j] = self.raw_feature[
].at([conv_x_fix[i], conv_y_fix[j]], tolerance=1e-3)
conv_hessian_norm_fix[:, i, j] = self.raw_feature["hessian_norm"].at(
[conv_x_fix[i], conv_y_fix[j]], tolerance=1e-3
conv_monitor_val_fix[:, i, j] = self.raw_feature["monitor_val"].at(
[conv_x_fix[i], conv_y_fix[j]], tolerance=1e-3
self.conv_xy_fix = conv_xy_fix
self.conv_uh_fix = conv_uh_fix
self.conv_grad_uh_norm_fix = conv_grad_uh_norm_fix
self.conv_hessian_norm_fix = conv_hessian_norm_fix
self.conv_monitor_val_fix = conv_monitor_val_fix
# dynamic resolution sampling (sampled at mesh nodes) (disabled from 18th Jan 2024 for efficient concern) # noqa
# x_coords_unique = np.unique(coords[:, 0])
# y_coords_unique = np.unique(coords[:, 1])
# conv_x = np.linspace(x_start, x_end, len(x_coords_unique))
# conv_y = np.linspace(y_start, y_end, len(y_coords_unique))
# conv_uh = np.zeros((1, len(conv_x), len(conv_y)))
# conv_hessian_norm = np.zeros((1, len(conv_x), len(conv_y)))
# conv_xy = np.zeros((2, len(conv_x), len(conv_y)))
# for i in range(len(conv_x)):
# for j in range(len(conv_y)):
# # (x, y) conv_feat
# conv_xy[:, i, j] = np.array([conv_x[i], conv_y[j]])
# # uh conv_feat
# conv_uh[:, i, j] = self.raw_feature["uh"].at(
# [conv_x[i],
# conv_y[j]],
# tolerance=1e-4)
# # uh norm conv_feat
# conv_hessian_norm[:, i, j] = self.raw_feature[
# "hessian_norm"].at(
# [conv_x[i],
# conv_y[j]],
# tolerance=1e-4)
self.conv_xy = conv_xy_fix
self.conv_uh = conv_uh_fix
self.conv_grad_uh_norm = conv_grad_uh_norm_fix
self.conv_hessian_norm = conv_hessian_norm_fix
self.conv_monitor_val = conv_monitor_val_fix
res = np.concatenate(
return res
def attach_feature(self):
Attach features to nodes of the mesh. The features to be attached are
in the 'feature' attribute.
for key in self.feature:
print("key ", key)
if self.feature[key] is not None:
self.x = np.concatenate([self.x, self.feature[key]], axis=1)
def to_train_data(self):
Convert mesh and associated features to PyTorch Geometric Data format.
This can be used directly for machine learning training.
scale = self.mesh.coordinates.dat.data_ro.max
np_data = {
"x": self.x,
"coord": self.coordinates,
"u": self.feature["uh"],
"grad_u": self.feature["grad_uh"],
"grad_u_norm": self.feature["grad_uh_norm"],
"hessian": self.feature["hessian"],
"phi": self.feature["phi"],
"grad_phi": self.feature["grad_phi"],
"hessian_norm": self.feature["hessian_norm"],
"jacobian": self.feature["jacobian"],
"jacobian_det": self.feature["jacobian_det"],
"monitor_val": self.feature["monitor_val"],
"edge_index": self.edge_T,
"edge_index_bi": self.edge_bi_T,
"cluster_edges": None, # this will be added if we use data_transform.py to add cluster edges # noqa
"y": self.y,
"pos": self.coordinates,
"scale": scale,
"cell_node_list": self.cell_node_list,
"conv_feat": self.conv_feat,
"bd_mask": self.bd_mask.astype(int).reshape(-1, 1),
"bd_left_mask": self.left_bd,
"bd_right_mask": self.right_bd,
"bd_down_mask": self.down_bd,
"bd_up_mask": self.up_bd,
"conv_xy": self.conv_xy,
"conv_uh": self.conv_uh,
"conv_grad_uh_norm": self.conv_grad_uh_norm,
"conv_hessian_norm": self.conv_hessian_norm,
"conv_monitor_val": self.conv_monitor_val,
"conv_xy_fix": self.conv_xy_fix,
"conv_uh_fix": self.conv_uh_fix,
"conv_grad_uh_norm_fix": self.conv_grad_uh_norm_fix,
"conv_hessian_norm_fix": self.conv_hessian_norm_fix,
"conv_monitor_val_fix": self.conv_monitor_val_fix,
"σ_x": self.dist_params["σ_x"],
"σ_y": self.dist_params["σ_y"],
"μ_x": self.dist_params["μ_x"],
"μ_y": self.dist_params["μ_y"],
"z": self.dist_params["z"],
"w": self.dist_params["w"],
"use_iso": self.dist_params["use_iso"],
"face_idxs": self.cell_node_list,
"n_dist": self.dist_params["n_dist"],
"nu": self.nu,
"gauss_list": self.gauss_list,
"duration": self.dur,
"poly_mesh": self.poly_mesh,
"swirl_params": self.swirl_params,
"t": self.t, # time step when solving burgers eq.
"idx": self.idx, # index number for picking params for burgers tracer. # noqa
"f": self.feature["f"] if "f" in self.feature else None,
if "uh_adapt" in self.feature: # currently only in swirl case
np_data["u_adapt"] = self.feature["uh_adapt"]
print("data saved, details:")
# print("conv_feat shape: ", self.conv_feat.shape)
print("x shape: ", self.x.shape)
self.np_data = np_data
def find_edges(self):
Find the edges of the mesh and update the 'edges' attribute.
mesh_node_count = self.coordinates.shape[0]
faces = torch.from_numpy(self.cell_node_list)
v0, v1, v2 = faces.chunk(3, dim=1)
e01 = torch.cat([v0, v1], dim=1) # (sum(F_n), 2)
e12 = torch.cat([v1, v2], dim=1) # (sum(F_n), 2)
e20 = torch.cat([v2, v0], dim=1) # (sum(F_n), 2)
edges = torch.cat([e12, e20, e01], dim=0) # (sum(F_n)*3, 2)
edges, _ = edges.sort(dim=1)
edges_hash = mesh_node_count * edges[:, 0] + edges[:, 1]
u, inverse_idxs = torch.unique(edges_hash, return_inverse=True)
edges_packed = torch.stack(
[torch.div(u, mesh_node_count, rounding_mode="floor"), u % mesh_node_count],
self.single_edges = edges_packed
edges_packed_reverse = edges_packed.clone()[:, [1, 0]]
self.edge_bi = torch.cat([edges_packed, edges_packed_reverse], dim=0)
self.edge_T = self.single_edges.T.numpy()
self.edge_bi_T = self.edge_bi.T.numpy()
return self.edge_bi_T
def find_bd(self):
Identify the boundary nodes of the mesh and update various boundary
use_4_edge = self.use_4_edge
x_start = y_start = 0
x_end = y_end = 1
num_all_nodes = len(self.mesh.coordinates.dat.data_ro)
# boundary nodes solved by firedrake
self.bd_idx = facet_closure_nodes(self.function_space, "on_boundary")
# create mask for boundary nodes
self.bd_mask = np.zeros(num_all_nodes).astype(bool)
self.bd_mask[self.bd_idx] = True
# boundary nodes solved using location of nodes
if use_4_edge:
self.left_bd = (
(self.coordinates[:, 0] == x_start).astype(int).reshape(-1, 1),
) # noqa
self.right_bd = (
(self.coordinates[:, 0] == x_end).astype(int).reshape(-1, 1),
) # noqa
self.down_bd = (
(self.coordinates[:, 1] == y_start).astype(int).reshape(-1, 1),
) # noqa
self.up_bd = ((self.coordinates[:, 1] == y_end).astype(int).reshape(-1, 1),) # noqa
self.bd_all = np.any(
[self.left_bd, self.right_bd, self.down_bd, self.up_bd], axis=0
self.left_bd = self.left_bd[0]
self.right_bd = self.right_bd[0]
self.down_bd = self.down_bd[0]
self.up_bd = self.up_bd[0]
# using poly mesh, set 4 edges to None
if self.poly_mesh:
self.left_bd = None
self.right_bd = None
self.down_bd = None
self.up_bd = None
def save_taining_data(self, path):
Save the processed data into disk for future use.
- path: The directory where to save the data.
# torch.save(self.train_data, path + ".train")
np.save(path + ".npy", self.np_data)