Monge-Ampère mesh movement in three dimensions

In this demo we demonstrate that the Monge-Ampère mesh movement can also be applied to 3D meshes. We employ the sinatan3 function from [Park et al., 2019] to introduce an interesting pattern.

from firedrake import *

import movement

def sinatan3(mesh):
    x, y, z = SpatialCoordinate(mesh)
    return 0.1 * sin(50 * x * z) + atan2(0.1, sin(5 * y) - 2 * x * z)

We will now try to use mesh movement to optimise the mesh such that it can most accurately represent this function with limited resolution. A good indicator for where resolution is required is to look at the curvature of the function which can be expressed in terms of the norm of the Hessian. A monitor function that targets high resolution in places of high curvature then looks like

\[m = 1 + \alpha \frac{H(u_h):H(u_h)}{\max_{{\bf x}\in\Omega} H(u_h):H(u_h)}\]

where \(:\) indicates the inner product, i.e. \(\sqrt{H:H}\) is the Frobenius norm of \(H\). We have normalised such that the minimum of the monitor function is one (where the error is zero), and its maximum is \(1 + \alpha\) (where the curvature is maximal). This means that we can select the ratio between the largest and smallest cell volume in the moved mesh as \(1+\alpha\).

As in the previous Monge-Ampère demo, we use the MongeAmpereMover to perform the mesh movement based on this monitor. We need to provide the monitor as a callback function that takes the mesh as its input. During the iterations of the mesh movement process the monitor will then be re-evaluated in the (iteratively) moved mesh nodes so that, as we improve the mesh, we can also more accurately express the monitor function in the desired high-resolution areas. To track what happens during these iterations, we define a VTK file object that we will write to in every call when the monitor gets re-evaluated.

from firedrake.output import VTKFile

f = VTKFile("monitor.pvd")
alpha = Constant(10.0)

def monitor(mesh):
    V = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)
    # interpolation of the function itself, for output purposes only:
    u = Function(V, name="sinatan3")

    # NOTE: we are taking the Hessian of the _symbolic_ UFL expression
    # returned by sinatan3(mesh), *not* of the P1 interpolated version
    # stored in u. u is a piecewise linear approximation; Taking its gradient
    # once would result in a piecewise constant (cell-wise) gradient, and taking
    # the gradient of that again would simply be zero.
    hess = grad(grad(sinatan3(mesh)))

    hnorm = Function(V, name="hessian_norm")
    hnorm.interpolate(inner(hess, hess))
    hmax =[:].max()
    f.write(u, hnorm)
    return 1.0 + alpha * hnorm / Constant(hmax)

Let us try this on a fairly coarse unit cube mesh. Note that we use the “relaxation” method (see [McRae et al., 2018]), which gives faster convergence for this case.

rtol = 1.0e-08
n = 20
mesh = UnitCubeMesh(n, n, n)
mover = movement.MongeAmpereMover(mesh, monitor, method="relaxation", rtol=rtol)

The results will be written to the monitor.pvd file which represents a series of outputs storing the function and hessian norm evaluated on each of the iteratively moved meshes. This can be viewed, e.g., using ParaView, to produce the following image:


In the next demo, we will demonstrate how to optimise the mesh for the discretisation of a PDE with the aim to minimise its discretisation error.

This tutorial can be dowloaded as a Python script.



A. T. T. McRae, C. J. Cotter, and J. Budd, C. Optimal-transport-based mesh adaptivity on the plane and sphere using finite elements. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 40(2):1121–1148, 2018. doi:10.1137/16M1109515.


Michael A Park, Aravind Balan, William K Anderson, Marshall C Galbraith, Philip Caplan, Hugh A Carson, Todd R Michal, Joshua A Krakos, Dmitry S Kamenetskiy, Adrien Loseille, and others. Verification of unstructured grid adaptation components. In AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum, 1723. 2019. doi:10.2514/6.2019-1723.